Spam-filtering with the naive Bayes classifier

In words...

First, we need to find a vector representation of e-mails. For this demo, we will restrain ourselves to a simple ``bag of words" model in which we only take into account the presence of words in e-mails, not their number of occurrences nor their ordering in the text.

Specifically, we encode a text as a binary vector in which each component is associated to a word of a dictionnary. In order to apply the naive Bayes classifier we need to choose a probability distribution for these vectors. For binary vectors, the most common choice is a binomial distribution. Given that the naive Bayes classifier assumes the components of the input to be independent, this actually reduces to a sequence of independent Bernoulli variables whose distributions can be simply estimated from the data as frequencies, i.e., by counting the number of e-mails of each category containing a specific word.

An algorithmic advantage of the method used here is that it can be trained online, meaning that the classifier is updated after each new labeled e-mail. This allows us to spare some resources: there is no need to store all the e-mails and the classifier can be improved without having to do all the computations again.

In pictures...

Label this e-mail as or

Number of labeled SPAMs:
Number of labeled HAMs:

After labeling a number of e-mails, you can write a new e-mail and

Processed e-mail with words from the dictionnary and others left aside:

Corresponding feature vector and probabilities

DictionnaryFeature vector $\g x$Probability of having this word in a SPAMProbability of having this word in a HAM

In maths...

Encoding e-mails as vectors

We use the ``bag of words" encoding of e-mails in which a piece of text $T$ is represented by a dictionnary $D=(D_j)_{1\leq j\leq d}$ of words $D_j$ and a binary vector $\g x\in\{0,1\}^d$ such that $$ x_j = \begin{cases} 1, & \mbox{if } T \mbox{ contains the word } D_j\\ 0, & \mbox{otherwise.} \end{cases} $$ This rather simple model allows us to fix the dimension of the input for the classifier.

Probabilistic models of e-mails

We assume the following binomial model of SPAMs: $$ P(X=\g x\ |\ Y=SPAM) = \prod_{j=1}^d ( b_j^{SPAM} )^{x_j} ( 1 - b_j^{SPAM} )^{(1-x_j)} , $$ where $d$ is the number of words in the dictionnary and $b_j^{SPAM}$ is a parameter estimating the probability of the $j$th word being in the e-mail given that it is a SPAM, and a similar model of HAMs: $$ P(X=\g x\ |\ Y=HAM) = \prod_{j=1}^d ( b_j^{HAM} )^{x_j} ( 1 - b_j^{HAM} )^{(1-x_j)} . $$

Implementation details

There are a few implementation details to pay attention to in order for such applications to work in practice.



Numbers below machine precision


Online training



In addition, the implementation can be faster when using tests instead of powers to compute expressions like $$ ( b_j^{SPAM} )^{x_j} ( 1 - b_j^{SPAM} )^{(1-x_j)} = \begin{cases} b_j^{SPAM},& \mbox{if } x_j = 1\\ 1-b_j^{SPAM},& \mbox{otherwise.} \end{cases} $$
